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","datePosted":"2023-10-18T17:04:38.419Z","validThrough":"2023-11-24","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Excelligence Learning Corporation.","description":"Excelligence Learning is a developer, manufacturer, distributor, and multi-channel retailer of over 20,000 innovative, high-quality and grade-appropriate educational products and teaching solutions, which are sold primarily to early childhood learning centers, elementary schools, PTAs, and consumers. The company has three core divisions: Supplies (Discount School Supply, Really Good Stuff, SmarterKids, and Environments), Equipment (Children's Factory, Angeles and Steffy Wood Products), and Services (Educational Products, Inc., ChildCare Education Institute). With over 30 years of experience serving children, educators and parents, Excelligence's diversified portfolio of leading brands delivers quality, innovation, service and value on a global scale. Leading proprietary brands include: Colorations, BioColor, and Excellerations.","numberOfEmployees":317,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Kansas City, MO, USA"}},{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Monterey, CA, USA"}}],"sameAs":"https://excelligence.com","url":"https://excelligence.com","logo":"https://cdn.getro.com/companies/6ea4a22b-3907-5e0c-ae75-b7eb665052bb","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Brentwood Associates","description":"Brentwood Associates is a leading consumer-focused private equity investment firm with a 30+ year history of investing in leading middle-market growth companies. Brentwood focuses on investments in growing businesses where it is able to leverage its extensive experience in areas such as: multi-location strategies, including specialty retail and restaurants; consumer services; direct marketing, including direct mail and e-commerce; health and wellness; and education. Since 1984, Brentwood's dedicated private equity team has invested in over 50 portfolio companies with an aggregate transaction value of over $6 billion. With significant experience in both investing and brand building, Brentwood is a value-added partner with entrepreneurs and senior management teams building world-class companies.","logo":"https://cdn.filepicker.io/api/file/W2bH07oVQo6HiKL61djK","url":"portfoliojobs.brentwood.com"},"keywords":"Commerce and Shopping, Education, Manufacturing"},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Olathe, KS, USA"}}}

Replenishment Analyst

Excelligence Learning Corporation.

Excelligence Learning Corporation.

Olathe, KS, USA
Posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Replenishment Analyst

  • Olathe, KS, USA
  • 55000-75000 per year
  • Salary
  • Full Time

Are you ready to take on a pivotal role in our dynamic company? We are seeking a passionate and detail-oriented Replenishment Analyst to join our team.

As a Replenishment Analyst, you will be at the heart of our operations, ensuring the seamless flow of over 1000 products from both international and domestic suppliers. Your expertise will be crucial in maintaining optimal inventory levels at our fulfillment center, guaranteeing order fill rates of 95% and keeping our customers delighted.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Strategic Replenishment: Utilize your keen analytical skills to replenish inventory for a diverse range of products, exceeding 1000 SKUs. Implement demand plans and replenishment models to perfection.
  • Efficient Supply Chain Management: Collaborate with both foreign and domestic suppliers, processing purchase orders swiftly and accurately. Engage in vendor logistical meetings, providing valuable demand data to streamline our supply chain operations.
  • Optimization Expertise: Optimize Turn Rates by crafting effective replenishment cycles and preventing overstock situations. Identify and strategize exit plans for discontinued or slow-moving items, working closely with our Merchandising team.
  • Data-driven Decision Making: Leverage your expertise in Microsoft Excel and Office applications to interpret complex data. Make independent, informed decisions based on comprehensive analysis, ensuring optimal inventory management.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Monitor shipments, handle lead-time and backorder challenges effectively, and keep all stakeholders informed. Address discrepancies promptly and communicate issues that impact departmental or company financials.


  • Educational Background: High School diploma required; college degree preferred.
  • Professional Experience: A minimum of 2-3 years of experience in demand planning, purchasing, or inventory management. Your expertise will be the driving force behind our inventory excellence.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Analytical Proficiency: Ability to apply mathematical concepts to practical situations, ensuring efficient inventory management.
  • Effective Communication: Exceptional written and verbal communication skills are vital. You should be able to present complex information effectively and respond promptly to inquiries from various stakeholders.
  • Organizational Skills: Strong organizational acumen, coupled with multitasking abilities, is essential. You'll be managing multiple tasks, ensuring deadlines are met with precision.
  • Team Collaboration: Even-tempered and team-spirited, you thrive in collaborative environments. Your ability to work effectively with diverse personalities is a significant asset.
  • Technological Aptitude: Quick learner when it comes to specific software applications. Adaptability and a proactive approach to technology are highly valued.

Join us and be a part of a vibrant team where your expertise shapes the future of our inventory management. If you are a proactive, detail-oriented individual with a passion for precision and innovation, we invite you to apply. Let's work together to exceed our customer's expectations and drive our company to new heights.

Excelligence Learning Corporation an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all employees, employment applicants and other covered persons without regard to unlawful considerations of race, color, religion or creed, gender, sex, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or ancestry, ethnicity, citizenship status, genetic information, military or veteran status, age, physical or mental disability, or any other classification protected by applicable local, state, or federal law.

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