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","datePosted":"2023-10-18T17:04:37.550Z","validThrough":"2023-11-24","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Excelligence Learning Corporation.","description":"Excelligence Learning is a developer, manufacturer, distributor, and multi-channel retailer of over 20,000 innovative, high-quality and grade-appropriate educational products and teaching solutions, which are sold primarily to early childhood learning centers, elementary schools, PTAs, and consumers. The company has three core divisions: Supplies (Discount School Supply, Really Good Stuff, SmarterKids, and Environments), Equipment (Children's Factory, Angeles and Steffy Wood Products), and Services (Educational Products, Inc., ChildCare Education Institute). With over 30 years of experience serving children, educators and parents, Excelligence's diversified portfolio of leading brands delivers quality, innovation, service and value on a global scale. Leading proprietary brands include: Colorations, BioColor, and Excellerations.","numberOfEmployees":317,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Kansas City, MO, USA"}},{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Monterey, CA, USA"}}],"sameAs":"https://excelligence.com","url":"https://excelligence.com","logo":"https://cdn.getro.com/companies/6ea4a22b-3907-5e0c-ae75-b7eb665052bb","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Brentwood Associates","description":"Brentwood Associates is a leading consumer-focused private equity investment firm with a 30+ year history of investing in leading middle-market growth companies. Brentwood focuses on investments in growing businesses where it is able to leverage its extensive experience in areas such as: multi-location strategies, including specialty retail and restaurants; consumer services; direct marketing, including direct mail and e-commerce; health and wellness; and education. Since 1984, Brentwood's dedicated private equity team has invested in over 50 portfolio companies with an aggregate transaction value of over $6 billion. With significant experience in both investing and brand building, Brentwood is a value-added partner with entrepreneurs and senior management teams building world-class companies.","logo":"https://cdn.filepicker.io/api/file/W2bH07oVQo6HiKL61djK","url":"portfoliojobs.brentwood.com"},"keywords":"Commerce and Shopping, Education, Manufacturing"},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Monterey, CA, USA"}}}

Quality Assurance Manager

Excelligence Learning Corporation.

Excelligence Learning Corporation.

Quality Assurance
Monterey, CA, USA
Posted on Oct 18, 2023

Quality Assurance Manager

  • Monterey, CA, USA
  • 65000-80000 per year
  • Salary
  • Full Time

The QA Manager will manage and drive product safety, quality and compliance programs and processes for Excelligence Learning Corp. and will be responsible for the following areas, duties, and roles.

This position reports directly to the Vice President for Quality Assurance and will be expected to work 100% on-site at our Headquarters located at Ryan Ranch office park in Monterey, CA.

Quality Standards and Safety Compliance

  • New product development: Assist Product Development Department (PD) in evaluating NEW product samples from vendors; assist to resolve/address specific quality concerns. Assist in developing concise product specifications in conjunction with PD for new products. Coordinate on site vendor inspections by Excelligence and third-party inspection providers.
  • Ensure the Company's general compliance with CPSC regulations, ASTM & other federal, state, & agency regulations regarding product safety and labeling requirements.
  • Make determination when product defects affect safety, and lead action plans within the Company to rectify; consult external legal counsel as appropriate to ensure corrective actions are lawful, timely, and adequate.
  • Medical Incidents: Work with VP to investigate, report and resolve any product issues that arise from incidents reported to the Quality Assurance Department. If required, manage the recall process, including messaging customers and periodic reporting to the CPSC.
  • Maintain relationship with US and overseas testing labs, set testing priorities, obtain and negotiate lab testing quotes for cost; manage lab lead times and priorities.
  • Utilize the QA database systems (STEP and elcQA) for maintaining and filing reports. Record product safety lab tests into database, generate Certificates of Compliance, maintain lab tests and certificates in controlled historical files.
  • Develop and administer annual trainings for Product Development, Sourcing/Supply Chain team and Catalog design/copy writers regarding how their role intersects with compliance. Develop and maintain internal written product safety policies and procedures; monitor adherence to product safety procedures within the Company.
  • Develop appropriate and responses to consumer product safety concerns communicated through Customer Service, Web, or Inside Sales; drive corrective actions to closure.
  • Enforce process to obtain appropriate vendor certificates for non-proprietary products, evaluate them for completeness, as well as enforce process for renewed certificates for any material changes.
  • Periodic vendor audits (on site) to ensure manufacturing processes and raw materials sourcing remains compliant to respective safety certifications.
  • Manage appropriate testing of new "industrial" proprietary products during development process; direct PD to make changes to products that will improve compliance prospects.
  • Audit internal practices for categorizing proprietary product and ensure correct tests are applied based on proper categories; assist PD in categorizing complex products, using CPSC guidance as necessary.
  • Attend CPSC and other conferences/continuing education seminars & classes to network, maintain knowledge of changing regulations, as they pertain to Excelligence.
  • Monitor on boarding of regulated consumer products requiring more than typical testing, with a particular focus on high-risk children's products.
  • Develop annual budget for product testing and for response to product safety issues.
  • Manage and maintain in house product safety equipment, such as XRF lead scanner; oversee training to certify users, manage equipment's service agreement, arrange for repairs/preventive maintenance, establish user procedures and conduct calibration tests on a regular basis.
  • Vendor Quality Standards: Implement quality inspection procedures and reporting by vendors, in conjunction with Product Development, Sourcing and Purchasing. Define accept/reject tolerances and work with vendors to maintain acceptable quality levels. Maintain vendor quality statistics and report on performance. Make vendor recommendations based on quality performance. Coordinate external resources to conduct vendor audits and/or on-site product/manufacturing inspections. Work with PD to define quality standards for new vendors.
  • Product Quality: Work with Customer Service and Analytics departments to analyze, validate, and quantify complaints/customer reviews; define actionable complaints; execute inspections of warehouse inventories for products deemed as requiring investigation; disposition sampled inventories and coordinate corrective action for problem products. Work with Customer Service and Web groups to develop appropriate responses to customer complaints.
  • Conduct intermittent audits of non-proprietary product for proper warnings on product, on web, and in catalogs; drive prompt corrective action to maintain compliance.
  • Recommend systems changes/improvements necessary for enterprise-wide continuous improvement programs.
  • Establish continuous improvement goals & assist departments to execute. Audit Company processes & identify where process improvements are necessary; drive QA efforts Company-wide and any other requirements that arise and require attention by the QA Manager.

Desired Skills and Experience:

  • Bachelor's Degree in related field preferred.
  • 3+ years in Product Safety & CPSC experience.
  • Proven success leading and managing a team.
  • Ability to multi-task with attention to detail is essential.
  • Experience with children's products preferred.
  • Ability to effectively communicate with all levels of management.
  • Ability to move effortlessly between strategic planning and tactical execution.
  • PC skills; proficient with Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

Excelligence is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Employer. We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all employees, employment applicants and other covered persons without regard to unlawful considerations of race, color, religion or creed, gender, sex, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or ancestry, ethnicity, citizenship status, genetic information, military or veteran status, age, physical or mental disability, or any other classification protected by applicable local, state, or federal laws.

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