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","datePosted":"2023-10-18T17:04:36.402Z","validThrough":"2023-12-08","employmentType":[],"hiringOrganization":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Excelligence Learning Corporation.","description":"Excelligence Learning is a developer, manufacturer, distributor, and multi-channel retailer of over 20,000 innovative, high-quality and grade-appropriate educational products and teaching solutions, which are sold primarily to early childhood learning centers, elementary schools, PTAs, and consumers. The company has three core divisions: Supplies (Discount School Supply, Really Good Stuff, SmarterKids, and Environments), Equipment (Children's Factory, Angeles and Steffy Wood Products), and Services (Educational Products, Inc., ChildCare Education Institute). With over 30 years of experience serving children, educators and parents, Excelligence's diversified portfolio of leading brands delivers quality, innovation, service and value on a global scale. Leading proprietary brands include: Colorations, BioColor, and Excellerations.","numberOfEmployees":317,"address":[{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Kansas City, MO, USA"}},{"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Monterey, CA, USA"}}],"sameAs":"https://excelligence.com","url":"https://excelligence.com","logo":"https://cdn.getro.com/companies/6ea4a22b-3907-5e0c-ae75-b7eb665052bb","memberOf":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Brentwood Associates","description":"Brentwood Associates is a leading consumer-focused private equity investment firm with a 30+ year history of investing in leading middle-market growth companies. Brentwood focuses on investments in growing businesses where it is able to leverage its extensive experience in areas such as: multi-location strategies, including specialty retail and restaurants; consumer services; direct marketing, including direct mail and e-commerce; health and wellness; and education. Since 1984, Brentwood's dedicated private equity team has invested in over 50 portfolio companies with an aggregate transaction value of over $6 billion. With significant experience in both investing and brand building, Brentwood is a value-added partner with entrepreneurs and senior management teams building world-class companies.","logo":"https://cdn.filepicker.io/api/file/W2bH07oVQo6HiKL61djK","url":"portfoliojobs.brentwood.com"},"keywords":"Commerce and Shopping, Education, Manufacturing"},"jobLocation":{"@type":"Place","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressLocality":"Monterey, CA, USA"}}}

Director, IT Operations & Infrastructure

Excelligence Learning Corporation.

Excelligence Learning Corporation.

IT, Other Engineering, Operations
Monterey, CA, USA
Posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Director, IT Operations & Infrastructure

  • Monterey, CA, USA
  • 90000-150000 per year
  • Salary
  • Full Time

The Director IT Operations & Infrastructure is responsible for the analysis, design, planning, implementation, and maintenance of all facets of the Information Technology infrastructure for the DevOps and SiteOps teams. The Manager IT Operations plans, coordinates, and directs all daily operational activities of these departments and provides direction and solutions that enhance mission-critical operations of the IT department.

The Information Technology Operations Manager work closely with the SVP of IT and other key business decision-makers in identifying and implementing cost-effective IT infrastructure technology solutions for all aspects of the business. This position provides the strategy, leadership, and day-to-day management of the DevOps inclusive of infrastructure, software, hardware, networks, and security.

Leadership/Supervisory Role:

The Director IT Operations creates and implements IT policies and procedures that enable strong security and risk-management capabilities. In his leadership position, the Director IT Operations explores new technologies and software as appropriate and in conjunction with the Chief Technology Officer oversees the architecture and implementation of ongoing support of the network, server, and communications infrastructure in order to ensure high performance of the IT department.

The Information Technology Operations Manager is in charge of business continuity and disaster recovery within the department as well as the recommendation and implementation of new investments within the technology infrastructure. He assumes responsibility of oversight of the entire network and system infrastructure ensuring proper configuration, implementation, maintenance, and monitoring of security firewalls, sites/software, servers, data and file encryption, and internet connections.

In this capacity, the Manager IT Operations also plays a mentorship role to key Information Technology personnel, promoting their professional growth, and readying them for the occupation of his position in the future.

Strategy and IT Infrastructure:

The Director IT Operations will also play a strategic role in the IT department where he coordinates the selection, implementation, and upgrade of the business's software/applications and services. He implements and documents a business recovery strategy for the purpose of resuming operations of system architecture in the event of a disaster.

The Director IT Operations also establish security architecture and implements procedures and controls that ensure that information and data are secure and in compliance with the security and storage regulations of the business. He further leads the process and team members in the analysis, enhancement, and tailoring of current practices and existing systems in order to increase operating efficiencies as well as reduce and cut costs within the business.

The Director IT Operations works to ensure consistency and maintainability of existent infrastructure environments through the creation, maintenance, and enforcement of well documented standards and procedures for the implementation of technical solutions.

Establishes operational and capital budgets in order to address the needs of various areas of the IT department, for example, system infrastructure, security, networks, and databases. He also ensures adherence to overall financial objectives of the business and tracks the annual departmental expenditures and directs the department's financial needs in conjunction with the financial department.

Collaboration and Support:

The role of the Director IT Operations is a collaborative one and, as such, he builds a collaborative culture within the department and partners with various departments within the organization. The Manager IT will collaborate with the financial department in deciding the IT department's financial needs as well as the financial allocation amongst departmental teams.

Works closely with the Chief Information Officer in the business technology planning process as well as the analysis of departmental efficiencies and effectiveness. He additionally works closely with the customer support team in gathering consumer feedback and developing insights that will lead to the improvement of IT services.

The Director IT Operations also partners with the human resources department in determining the criteria for hiring and recruitment of the IT department in order to guarantee consistent and high departmental performance.

Participate as an integral member of the IT management team responsible for defining and implementing software technology strategy, CapEx and OpEx plans and continuous improvement objectives

Key Skills and Requirements:

  • Education: The ideal candidate must have BS degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology, or any other related field. An equivalent of the same in practical experience is also acceptable for the position.
  • Experience: A candidate for this position will must have had a minimum of 10 years in working experience in a senior IT position within a fast-paced and constantly evolving environment, preferably working as a Head of DevOps or Head of SiteOps. The candidate must demonstrate successful experience leading a DevOps and SiteOps team in the management of information technology and information systems. He will also demonstrate a deep understanding of telecommunications and have vast experience in disaster recovery planning and implementation as well as data storage solutions.
  • Communication Skills: Must have exceptional communication skills both in written and verbal form. This is especially so for his leadership position where he will be required to convey instructions and sensitive information down the line to the DevOps and SiteOps departments.
  • Technology/Software: Must be technologically adept and possess exceptionally good computer skills. He must be highly knowledgeable in enterprise level Cloud technologies.
  • Interpersonal Skills: The ideal candidate will be an enthusiastic problem solver, have advanced critical and strategic thinking skills, have strong attention to detail, have a strong understanding of business processes and the integration of technological processes, and work comfortably with senior business leadership.
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